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  4. Lieutenant General WALTER NEUMANN-SILKOW - Autograph - Aufklärungs-Abteilung 8

Lieutenant General WALTER NEUMANN-SILKOW - Autograph - Aufklärungs-Abteilung 8

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Document of the Aufklärungs-Abteilung 8.
Issued on 2 April 1935 in Potsdam.
Signed in ink by the division commander, Major (later Lieutenant General) WALTER NEUMANN-SILKOW (Knight's Cross 5 August 1940).
He was also commander of the 8th Armoured Division, and later of the 15th Armoured Division in the war effort in Africa.
Killed in action in Africa on 9.12.1941 (Derna, Libya).
Rare signature!